Emerson's new selection of spring/summer wear
a yummy PB&B Smoothie to get the day started
de-cluttering the ol' Instagram
and a store full of kittens
Despite R being away for what will be ten days tomorrow (he's coming back!!), I had a busy week full of auditions, thesis editing sessions, meetings, socials, and hitting the gym more than usual to squeeze in some extra workouts (!).
But now it's the weekend, and it's time to kick back and relax! Like diet and exercise, I think rest and relaxation is important to maintaining a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle. We often try to do too much and forget to take care of ourselves, but it's important to make sure that we give ourselves lots of time to do things we enjoy, to just sit and be, and to spend quality time with the people we love most.
As busy as you are, try to keep the weekends free to do whatever you want (you'll feel so good about it, trust me). Here's a sample, my weekend:
Yoga practice (I love yoga)--especially if you follow a more intense fitness routine throughout the week, yoga is a great way to exercise over the weekend without putting the same stress on your muscles and joints as your other workouts (and it's all levels, try it!).
Lunch dates--it doesn't have to be lunch, but meeting up with a friend or family member will do you some good. Get off the computer and stop watching your television and go talk to someone face to face. How many times have you heard this?
Birthday parties and bowling--ohhh yeah, I've got quite the exciting Saturday ahead of me! But really, loosen up a little and be a kid again. Bowling is one thing, but have you tried karaoke?!? Okay, I'm biased--it's probably my favourite group activity ever...
Ah yes, and then there are the really simple things that make the weekend so much better. It's what I'm looking forward to most this particular weekend: a big ol' bear hug from my man! Keep it simple, sweetheart. Right?
Yes, amongst all the chaos, you can relax. Stop freaking out about what's to come and put a rest to worrying about what happened three months ago (HE'S NOT GOING TO TAKE YOU BACK). Take a nap, go for a walk, buy a dog or a cat (eeee, yes I'm encouraging you to buy an animal), make your own almond butter, rent a Lamborghini, order a dump truck of fake snow and go wild--whatever it is, you probably deserve it. Okay, maybe you don't.
Uhh...make sure you work hard throughout the week in order to earn your weekends (!), during which you can do whatever you want (within reason and as long as it doesn't really break the law). Did I just become a bad person?
Happy weekend!
images via how sweet it is, salt water wishes, and get fit or die