Thursday, 15 September 2011


As part of our overall health, it's important to not only follow a healthy diet and eat nutrient-rich foods, to lead an active lifestyle, and to brush our teeth twice a day everyday, but also to keep a healthy mind.

For many of us, the change in season from summer to fall means revving up our engines (back-to-school), losing sleep (buh-bye, Daylight Savings Time), and ultimately getting sick (fluctuating temperatures, anyone?). With the aim of preventing the bug before I even catch it and with hopes of maintaining peace of mind (a healthy mind) I jotted down a list of the things that help me overcome feeling overwhelmed, overexhausted, and just down right over it.

Two words: rest and recovery. As important as it is to go to every social outing, run every errand, and be everyone's favourite gal or guy, trust me, do yourself a favour and think about yourself every once in a while--and your mind.

Here's a list of what I like to do in order to recoil and recharge (my 'feel good' list): 

                            1. say no this is a big, important tip that so many of us
overlook--do what you want (just this once)

                         2. eat right what you put into your body is what you'll
                         get out of it--my current fave is Korean food: balanced
                                                    and oh-so-satisfying

3. sip tea herbal or green teas sans sugar = instant detox 

                          4. take a nap/get enough rest another important tip
                         that so many of us fail to recognize--I can recharge with
                               a 15 minute cat nap, find out what works for you

                          5. eat oils keep a diet rich in fish and omega-3s like I
                                                      do--here's why

6. vent that's right, call up a girlfriend and just blab

7. get a massage or better yet, give a massage (you'll
feel good either way and who knows, the latter could
lead to something else...)

8. treat yourself dark chocolate has all sorts of feel
good bits, plus it's known to have healthy heart benefits 

                          9. go for a walk solo or with a friend, clear the mind
                                       and get some exercise in the process

10. listen to music laying on the couch with nothing but
background music is bliss

                                  11. moderate exercise if it's not a good ol' walk, do
                                           some yoga or go for a bike ride
                              12. finally, laugh get out a good giggle or two--you'll
                                                   instantly feel happier

Ultimately, though:

take some time for yourself whatever that means, it might be to meditate, to dance in your underwear, or to bake a batch of your favourite cookies

What do you like to do to recoil and recharge?

images via baby is a sinner, into the gloss, shells on the beach, invictus, serious eats, etsy, and google  

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