Monday, 9 January 2012

HAPPY 2012!

It's no secret. It's been nearly a month since I last wrote a blog post. And now, with friends and family hankering me to write some new posts, I'm back (and hopefully here to stay).

I'll admit (and so will fellow bloggers), it can be difficult to maintain a blog. If you want to maintain a high level of readership, you'll have to write frequently. At the same time, unless you're making money off of your blog, other things can get in the way (but no, never, nothing to get into the way of money-making). Life can get the best of us, and for good means. Sometimes (most times), it's good to step away from the computer and actually live life. And this, my friends, can make for fantastic blog material.

A lot has happened between the last time I wrote and now.

I am officially finished the course work for my degree, which means I am no solely focusing on researching and writing my thesis (phew! so glad).

The holidays came and went, with barely any snow to touch the ground. It was not a white Christmas, to say the least.

R and I spent our first Christmas together in what's nearly been 5 years together.

We rung in the New Year with my parents, grandmother, and brothers, playing Wii and sipping on boozy hot chocolate (okay, I actually fell asleep after dinner, only to be awaken 30 seconds before midnight with a flute of champagne and cheers).

This past weekend was my birthday, which I celebrated with dinner and dancing. For anyone who couldn't figure out the math equation sent out as part of the invite, the answer is 23. I turned 23.

And now, it's back to reality. Today marks the official return to school, but with auditions already piling up and appointments in need of attending, it looks like I'll be spending my first day of research at home.

To anyone I may have missed, Happy New Year!

Stay tuned as I make some minor changes/updates to the site, including new recipes to try, an updated Fitness section, and template tweaks!

images via the terrier and lobsterstraw cut, and imgur

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